One of the key features that announces the beginning of the Christmas season, are the Christmas lights that appear in all Spanish cities during the last week of November. On most downtown streets of all townships of the Iberian geography, all sorts of colourful stars, trees and other ornaments appear. Very often, there is a great display of imagination to distinguish the city. But no city offers a more impressive exhibition of artistic lighting than Málaga on its central pedestrian walkway, Calle Larios.

For the last 30 years, Málaga has invested a great deal of artistry in the design of larger and larger concepts every year, to make a walk down this main shopping street an experience not to be forgotten. From gothic pillars to watchful angels escorting shoppers, the design of the lights has changed from year to year, making a visit to the city, with children and adults alike, even from faraway points of the Spanish geography, a yearly pilgrimage that symbolizes the start of the holiday season. 

Thirty years before, Calle Larios was still street that allowed vehicle traffic. The present council, well-known for having overseen the impressive overhaul of the city to conform a more public-friendly town, decided at that point to pedestrianize this street, turning it into the backbone of the urban geography that it is today. Representing some of the most expensive real estate, the 350 meters from Plaza de la Marina to Plaza de la Constitución holds some of the most important fashion shops, historical cafés, and even a chemist’s dating from the year 1894. The street itself has existed for some 130 years, established at one of the city’s most prosperous moments, during its industrial revolution. 

No matter what other objectives a visitor to the city may have, during the month of December, no visit to Málaga can be considered complete without a stroll down Larios to see this impressive display, and to feel the true Mediterranean spirit of Christmas. 

Your visit would not be complete without it!

Sunshinehomes Team !